Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ray Donovan

This one was a real revelation. Live Shreiber plays Ray, a 'fixer' in Hollywood. Dealing with the scum of the rich and famous while trying to keep his family on track makes this one sorta the 'Sopranos of Hollywood'. That is by no means a slight, however. Like that classic show, there is a lot of rich storylines going on here. Ray has a wife and two kids, two brothers, a ex-boxer with Parkinson's and another who is an addicted molestation victim and an ex-con father. Just your average American family.
I really enjoyed the first couple of episodes, especially when John Voigt shows up as Ray's criminal father, who has left prison and now wants to be a part of his Grandchildren's lives - much to Ray's dismay. No one plays a calculating asshole better. I just watched Anaconda the other day and it reminds you that Voigt still has the chops.

Stephen Bauer and James Woods add more great characters to their list of people to watch. They play Ray's 'associates'. We have already seen Ray do some despicable things but these two guys are sent to deal with Ray's problems.

Another real treat is Elliot Gould as one of Ray's bosses. He may be going crazy after the death of his wife. Gould really makes the most of the small role he is given. Only a thirteen episode season with only four new episodes to come. I am enjoying catching up and following this story.


Dr. Theda said...

Afterall.... Mr. Voit... created a beautiful and talented daughter....!!!

Kal said...

That he did.