Friday, May 23, 2014

Best Movie Season Ever?

I am so glad to hear nothing but good about the X-Men - Days of Future Past movie that comes out this weekend. I am doing the Sunday afternoon matinee thing. That means a movie theatre hot dog for me. There is nothing I love more than a movie theatre hot dog (except maybe a curling club cheeseburger).

I love the way reviewers are mentioning the inconsistent holes in the script but in the same sentence are saying that they didn't care one bit about those things because the movie was so well done and was so entertaining. This film will rejuvenate the X-Man franchise and put these characters and this concept to the very top of Pop Culture awareness where it rightfully belongs. I can't tell you how great it is to know that I bought these comics in the 80s and actually waited a month to see the ending to the story. Now I am days away from seeing the movie in 3D on the big screen. What a Golden Age we live in.
I wish I had a friend to go see this with.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I have to wait until the crowds die down. Can't stand sitting in a packed theatre. So I'll see it about a month from now. But still excited!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I was planning on seeing it on Monday since its a holiday. Also the local theater has matinee prices for $5 on shows Monday-Thursday before noon.

The problem I discovered is that there are no X-Men showings before noon that aren't in 3D. If I want to see it during the first two weeks, I either pay regular price for $6.50 in with the crowded times or go to a showing with fewer people in the morning but have to shell out $7.00 for the stupid 3D glasses.

Its a freakin' scam and its freakin' genius!!