Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cold Cuts

Kim Kardashian needs the attention so much that she releases pictures of her greasy bare ass to the world. Is it more sad or pathetic? Probably a bit of both. I will not repost that picture here because I don't want it to look like I am encouraging the sideshow.

Chewing gum while wearing an outfit becoming a Bond Villain? Damn Obama, you still have your swagger no matter how much they try to beat you down.

Damn. Only two episodes of Boardwalk Empire left and then I am done. What will I ever do with myself? The dominoes start to fall. Goodbye Chalky White. You were gangster when gangster was cool. You was an old school hoodlum who went out with some honor, unlike the slug you spared in exchange for the girl you loved and your daughter. That's how a man goes out. Bully on the writers for giving such a great character arc to an actor (Michael Kenneth Williams) who could handle the part. Such great work will not pass our way again. After Omar (The Wire) and Chalky, I hope that Michael does a comedy that plays totally against type. That is what I want to see next from him.



david_b said...

Love it..!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That ass can't be real. Gotta be implants.

DrGoat said...

When you say ass, I assume you mean her whole self.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Her whole greasy self. I can't unsee that.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Even as an admirer of the female posterior, I'm not entirely sure what the point of her showing off like this. Its not like in ye olden days when nudie pics were hard to come by.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

She over estimated the world's tolerance for greasy ass shots. She is a punch line again.