Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Now I Guess He Is A War Hero And Military Genius

I once saw the young Tsaravich Alexie dressed like his father Nicolas II. Like a boy playing toy soldier. Without the experience of battle I would hardly call him Tsar.

I get this same feeling with Trump and his newly discovered military history and genius. What a joke it is to call himself a soldier. He is a prop in a war movie at best.. He insults real vets who have served their country and given it their finest blood. Another reason Trump can go fuck himself. Worse part is that he doesn't get that he is the joke. He is serious about this. He thinks he is checking off all the correct boxes to be President. And when he doesn't get the job, he will blame all of us and never himself.

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Good thing that prep school wasn't attack by the Commies. Could have been the bloodiest 30 seconds and the shortest war in military history.
“My number was so incredible and it was a very high draft number. Anyway so I never had to do that, but I felt that I was in the military in the true sense because I dealt with those people,” Trump told former Newsday reporter Michael D'Antonio, according to The New York Times.
Trump attended the New York Military Academy starting in eight grade after years at a prep school in Queens that included giving a teacher a black eye "because I didn't think he knew anything about music," Trump told the book's author, according to the Times. 

Well then his criticism of John McCain is valid. Trump DOES have all that military experience. Why he not over there stopping ISIS with his genius right now is beyond me. Just tell Obama your plan and he will send in whatever you need. How can you keep your military genius to yourself your selfish prick. I thought you wanted to make America GREAT again?

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