Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Into the Badlands - Episode 5 of 6

Just when I thought I had found nothing of interest left to see on Into The Badlands Sonny puts the compass in the book and I have hope that I haven't been dragged along for another trip chasing a wild goose only to be let down in the end. Under the Dome springs to mind. Damn I hated that show.

This one needs to show off more of the world that makes up these Badlands. I want to know what exists outside this world. I don't want to be left hanging with only this and one more episode to go for what I assume will be season one....or not. I haven't read either way on the Interwebs.

The Baron is what happens when a southerner like Foghorn Leghorn gets absolute power over an area of his world. His every word is uttered with a sickly sweetness that cannot be believed. I never trust a thing that comes out of his mouth and I love every second he is on screen.

Just, please answer SOME of my questions. Don't make me the Bass who bit the hook again. I have so much choice to watch these days that I hate to waste even a single hour, let alone six. But I am digging it. All the backstabbing and secret plans to backstab and accidental backstabbings. It's all good to me. Just give me ANSWERS with all the marvelous bloodletting.

The kid is starting to annoy me. But Tilda rocks. Chewing off a colt's ear is hardcore.

Not to mention the battle between the Widow and Sonny in an armory full of ancient weapons. It's another amazing piece of fight choreography in a show chock full of such battles.


DrGoat said...

Personally I've lost the patience for too many backstabbings.
A backstabbing or two, maybe, but needs to be a good story.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am wearing out on the story as well. One more episode and lets see if they impress me with the ending.