Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tell Me These Creatures Are Not The Alien Enemies We Should All Hate And Fear.

We are about as far apart of the evolutionary scale than any two creatures can that share this planet. I think that is what makes them so dangerous to me. I keep waiting for the day when these tentacles monsters just SNAP en mass and destroy the surface world with one co-ordinated attack.

Seven/tenths of the world's surface is their home so they have lots of space to plot and plan our demise all day long. Plus they have help from their ALIEN buddies. Imagine if you were a space faring race, where would YOU hide your space worthy vehicles? Let me GUESS, at the bottom of the sea where the massive pressures are not an issue.? And who lives at the bottom of the ocean with half a brain? That's right - The Abominations. And those boneless terrorists will inform them right quick about how to get onto our social media and that Alien scheme will have a negative influence on the quality of the programing we will not be able to enjoy in the future.

So next time you doubt my holy mission. I want you to study all the new programs being released by network and cable television. How many do you have an interest in? I would guess less than 3. Why even bother. Why not take on the cable model and create a series of connected mini-series that are shown nightly like the great mini-series of old - Roots, Winds of War, and V


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