Thursday, May 16, 2024

This Has Gone Too Far

“Tinkerbell, unfortunately, has become an problematic image for our guests; specifically, young girls. Specifically, in terms of the portrayal of an unrealistic body image as well as dependency of approval and/or attention from Peter Pan, as seen in previous incarnations of the character. We feel these traits are no longer representative of our inclusive focused values and thus, are currently in process of redesigning an updated Tinkerbell for modern audiences.”

- Disney Rep, May 2024

Let's remember that Tink is a girl who is in love with a boy who would rather play with other boys and not with her. She sits and watches him be all clueless about the amount of love Tink has for him. He is that out of touch. Now they remove her from Meet and Greet? That is abuse on top of her already abusive backstory. Lets remember that she saves the day in the end. That act alone to save all those young gay boys deserves some respect.

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