Saturday, December 14, 2024

From The Caturday Files


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Modern Mona Lisa and her cat! Brat child at McDonalds! Jethro Tull concert!

Count Robot said...

if my cat did that 3 AM I would love him more which is impossible. stupid mental health! i could read the kitten a story at nap time it would be this, shut the f up and go to sleep! Tull rocks!

Tundra Bunny said...

Modern Mona Lisa-cat lady and the mushroom cap kitty for the win today... and the Yanks could really use some of those UFO/drone fighting cats too, LOL!

Tamarin said...

So many excellent kitty artworks added to my collection today! I do love a podgy, empty-headed looking ginger kitty.