Monday, June 10, 2013

There Is Always Room For Batgirl



david_b said...

I always find it odd that those DC Character plates typically showed the hero's and heroine's backsides (sans capes)..

Not sure why it was important, but no complaints.

Kal said...

They were just for the artist weren't they? The Marvel ones show the character holding the cape in their arm to show off the back side of the costume.

david_b said...

'..Um.., how descriminate is someone's ass in a comic book..?'

I'm sure some afternoon at DC Comics some editor yelled, "Hey Infantino, once again you got Batgirl's ASS WRONG..!!!"

I know what you're sayin' ~ if there's some important stripe or design feature on the back like Spiderman, fine.

But for most heroes..? Eh.