Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Favorite Costumes In Comic Books - Number 7 - Sting-Ray

Walter Newell designed and wears the Stingray battlesuit, an armored exoskeleton suit composed of a superhard artificial cartilage designed mainly for underwater use. The Stingray battlesuit enhances his strength and durability to superhuman levels, which allow him to operate within the crushing pressures of the ocean depths.

His suit is equipped with an oxygen-diffusing system providing breathable air almost indefinitely, allowing him to breathe underwater. The suit also gives him enhanced swimming speed and its streamlined wings allow him to glide through air for great distances. The suit's chief offensive weapon is a powerful electrical discharge device built into the exoskeleton, able to project bolts of up to 20,000 volts through air or water and released through the gloves.

Walter Newell has a gifted intellect, and has a Ph. D. in oceanography. He is an experienced oceanographer, and a skilled inventor of experimental oceanographic equipment.

What makes this one a classic is it's simplicity. Red and white with wings and a faceless mask. The arrow and star symbol on his chest can stand for anything you want it to. A trident would be too on the nose I suspect but the harpoon facemask is a suitable substitute. Visually this character fits into his ocean environment like the fish he studies and he moves through the water the same way that they do. In the hands of a dynamic artist he can swim rings around any of your ocean based heroes. With Namor off with the X-men and the other big time heroes in the Marvel Universe, there is room for a series about another ocean based hero. You could do a lot with the concept and add some cool future science into the ocean environment.

1 comment:

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

For once we agree. This is a well designed costume for a character who deserves more spotlight. I mean seriously, he's a water based hero who isn't the king of Atlantis.

While I question how a skintight suit can withstand that much ocean pressure, I'll let it go because its just part of the medium.

The wingspan cape is very dramatic. The Arrow symbol is great , It reminds me a lot of the Red Lightspeed Ranger's helmet actually.

Not sure what the starburst symbol is supposed to be, but its good at balancing space. I just think he's had trouble gaining a following because of the "water hero stigma", and the facelessness of the mask may make him difficult to identify with.