Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesdays With Wonder Woman




Jeremy [Retro] said...

the first one looks like she is on rice-crispy treats...

Kal said...

Hey, she defeated those rice krispie squares so she has the right to lord it over them.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

* For all the people that complained about Black Widow's self indulgent "look at my butt" pose on The Avengers poster, thats got nothing on Jeff Chapman's faux poster here. While we are only seeing "The Dark Side of the Moon" here, its difficult to say how this will click as "Wonder Woman" since there is no iconography on her person, much less take her seriously.

That, and I am really sick of the "facing away from the audience" style of movie posters. Its overused by this point.

* A superhero taking a self shot would actually make for a funny cover if done right.

* I starfield rather than the five star pattern on her shorts might just work in a more contemporary adaptation.

* This blog is having a "Wonder Woman" week. You may want to check out some of their work: