Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I know this guy is responsible.
Someone tell me how to fix this.
I cannot blog under these conditions.


Tim Knight said...

What ads? It's not those bloody "backlinks" that Blogger has been spamming people with (from my blog for some reason) is it? If it is I think I found the solution and posted it here:

If you're talking about something else, then just ignore me ;)

Kal said...

No I don't blame you. I see ads at the top and bottom of my page and I hate that.

Tim Knight said...

Oh, I don't see ads anywhere on your page. That's odd. Sorry to hear that though. That'd piss me off as well!

I'm sure one of your fans is techy enough to know a way to defeat the evil ad barons!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for telling me you don't see it. I hate the disruption.

Drake said...

Got them too, thought it was just a virus my pc caught.

DrGoat said...

They don't show up when I go to the Cave.

Kal said...

I don't see them on your site Drake. Clean as mine used to be. Why would I be the only one to see these top and bottom ads? MMMMM...HOW DO I GET RID OF THEM?

Tim Knight said...

I had a thought. Something you said reminded me of a similar (although not identical) issue I had last year. Have you checked in your browser settings under "extensions" or "add-ons" to see if a rogue program has attached itself to your browser? If that's "all" it is, then these can be deleted through your browser settings. That's what happened to me anyway.

Dr. Theda said...

Alex fixed the "ads" at the "Crypt".... he said that it was a from of "mal-ware".... It stopped at my blog and I have not seen them appear on your great Blog....