Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Remember When Cracker Jacks Actually Had PRIZES Inside The Boxes?

Then you are my people.
The didn't even call it a PRIZE. It was called a NOVELTY.
This is what you get today.
Are you freaking kidding me? And why is the dog laughing?
 That isn't funny? What kind of surprise is that?
That's like the surprise you get in the prison showers.


DrGoat said...

Yeah, that completely sucks. Used to get those great items in the box.

Kal said...

They were fantastic talisman I always thought. Today I just feel ripped off.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

When I saw the title of the post I thought for sure you were going to include the clip of the Crackerjack Ring from "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

young-eclectic-encounters said...

I stopped buying Cracker Jacks years ago, but I miss being able to share this part of my childhood with my grandchildren. The new bag and surprises are nothing but a sad imitation of what I enjoyed

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They should just stop including anything but the Crackerjack inside the box. Why even bother with that crappy "surprise"?

Ronsrandomstuff said...

Just picked up a bag for the fourth, the prize is now a code for smart phone content. The worst part, I couldn't find anyplace to use the code. Couldn't figure out what to do with the code on either the Cracker Jack website or app. So . . . yea, sucks.