Tuesday, July 23, 2013

There Must Always Be A Floating Island Of Cool

The Solar Floating Resort is an example of what the distant future might hold when it comes to architecture, our reliance on renewable resources, and dealing with overpopulation on land. Covered completely in a photovoltaic skin, the resort is 100% self-sufficient and non-polluting.  On top of that, the floating palace is actually a modular system that divides into much smaller components that can be moved and assembled almost anywhere.



DrGoat said...

That may be one of the coolest caves you've posted.

Kal said...

I like that it floats. And comes with the surface to air missiles. The guy just threw them in for free.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

The worst part is the really persistent solicitors. Fortunately you've already thought about the missiles. The downside is that James Bond might mistake your floating fortress for the actual bad guy's island headquarters three miles away.

profsafety said...

If I have to ask how much it is, I know I can't afford it.