Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Times Are So Tough At Wayne Industries

That even Batgirl had to take a second job.


david_b said...

Hate to word it this way, but she could serve me ANYTHING she has on her.. menu.

profsafety said...

Yes, I totally agree!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

If more women wore tight leather suits to serve food, than I would eat fast food every day of my soon to be very short but happy life.

D.I. Felipe González said...

AFAIK, Batgirl didn´t work for Wayne Industries.

Kal said...

Oh I know she had that library job but you know that Bruce slipped a few hundred into her bank account every month. A little stipend for suit repair, motorcycle tune ups, pillates classes. Being Batgirl don't come cheap.

Nathan said...

Even back then, it was practically impossible to get a full-time library job, apparently.

Kal said...

When they stopped making Encyclopedias I knew it was over for libraries. Unless they got really comfy chairs and carried graphic novels. And served food.

Nathan said...

Most libraries have been to recently do stock graphic novels, and some have vending machines.