Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The NRA Can Suck Your Momma's Dick And They Can Suck My Dick As Well.

I want the whole board of directors for the NRA to be stranded on an island full of gun nuts who really know their stuff. The Board can outfit themselves all they like but in the end the Board of Directors must try to get to the other end of the island for the midnight boat. If they get there means they survived the hunt.

They would be hunted by the families of the victims of senseless gun violence. There is no reason for an ordinary citizen to have a military combat assault weapon. And if NOW if the time for this debate then tell me when IS the time?



DrGoat said...

When I was a kid (50s-60s), the NRA was all about hunting and gun safety. Then around the late 70s, they found out that they could make a lot of money by raising the fear that liberals were out to get their guns, so gun manufacturers stock went up and chaching. Wayne LaPierre is a real piece of work. I own guns and still do a bit of shooting so I'm not just a knee-jerk liberal. Just a regular one.

JDsivraj said...

The NRA memebrship is less than 10% of all the gun owners in the U.S.
THey have to clout they do because congressmen are worried about losing votes to the other 90% or more of gun owners.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That second cartoon is exactly right.

jester59388 said...

It's ridiculous that you have to do more to show you can own and operate a car safely than own and operate a gun. We are NOT talking about taking anyone's guns away! We are talking about reasonable registration and regulation of gun ownership. It would be ludicrous to argue that we should do away with driver's licenses, vehicle registration, inspection and insurance requirements, etc., just because some people are driving around without licenses in uninsured cars with stolen plates, some of whom end up injuring an killing others. Yet for some reason this same ludicrous argument seems to make sense to the gun-rights nuts when applied to guns - i.e., reasonable registration and regulation won't stop people from obtaining guns illegally, so what's the point? The point is, numbnut, that if we know who has legal guns, we can penalize the shit out of anyone found to have an illegal gun. I know I won't cry if he's being ass-raped in prison for ten years.

It just boggles my mind that ANYONE could think that their alleged Second Amendment right to own a weapon with absolutely no purpose other causing injury or death to others (hence, a gun is NOT a knife, or a car, or a machete, or a fork, or a rope, or any other nonsense argument the NRA makes about how guns are not the only thing that can be used as a weapon -- these things have OTHER and more primary purposes!)is somehow more important than the right of gun victims to their inalienable right to life. To paraphrase Jefferson, that truth should be self-evident.

Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

excellent political cartoons somebody should make copies and plaster them all around the capitol building in D.C.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for saying what needed to be said my friends. It kills me a bit each and every time I see this shit happen.