This is an old image but Alex Ross (my favorite painter) got this right and we are all feeling the effects of George Bush's rape of the dream of Amercica. I am annoyed that the Republicans are giving Obama only one chance to set this right while refusing to acknowledge the harm he actually did. I soooooo hate ideologes. I hope Obama does suceed just to ram it down their throats in the next election. Rush Limbagh can suck it and suck it hard. Anyone who wished for Bush to fail after 911 would have been in jail seven years ago. The death of politics as usual can't come soon enough for me. So explain to me why NOBODY seems to be vetting these choices for Obama's cabinet? Why all the tax problems? This is embarassing Barack. And Tom Dashel??? He is the poster boy for corruption in the Congress and if I remember correctly he was given the boot for his unethical behavior and this is the best guy you could come up with for your Secretary of Health and Human Service? Somebody today told me that is just the way they do things in Chicago where Barack got his political education and that worries me. All he is doing is giving amunition to those looking for him to fail. He has the goodwill of the American people and the world right now and he can't afford to squander it on rewards for old school Democrats. Turn away from the Dark Side brother!

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