Saturday, February 7, 2009

Free the Clones

OMG tonight’s episode of Star Wars the Clone Wars was deep. We finally got to see some chinks on the armour of our beloved clone troopers as one named Slick turns traitor and betrays his brothers to Ventris and the Separatists. When he explains his reasons behind his actions he, for the first time, gives voice to the desire of clones to do more than be at the Jedi's beck and call. He wants more for himself than to just fight at their command. He wants his freedom. This is a far deeper issue than we have come to expect from this awesome show. I hated the Clone Wars movie but I love the TV show. If they can keep giving me episodes like the one where R2D2 kicked ass and showed why he is the top astrometric droid in the universe or whiz bang action filled stories like the one I saw tonight then I am with them for as long as the show is on the air. I suspect that Lucas has turned this show over to others because there is no way he could write anything as interesting or thoughtful. Knowing how the clones will be forced (through order 66 - a compulsion imprinted into their DNA by the evile Emperor Palpatine) to destroy the Jedi order, their fate seems all the more tragic. They may not be enslaved by the Jedi but they are not going to be given their freedom by the Imperia anytime either. And here we thought the were all just clones. I finally see them as individuals.

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