Yes, GIANT BLUEBERRIES. So big that people can live inside them. Sure those people will eventually turn blue and be rejected by human society like the Smurfs but think of all those GIANT BLUEBERRy desserts we can enjoy until that happens.

They will fill the valleys and cover the mountain tops until everyone will be sick of blueberries. Then the great blueberry hunt and slaughter will begin. I will send out alerts but I suspect by that time everyone will be against the blueberries anyways.

Oh my God, I got that email today and didn't even open it! I just assumed "blueberry" was a euphemism for something else. And look at what I was missing out on.
You got to be on the ball to keep current there kitty cat.
That is the hill where some find there thrill, is it not?
Violet Beauregarde will fit right in....
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