Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Supreme Court - Looking Out For You, Your Pets And Your Babies...Plus Other Rants

Seems that the U.S. Supreme Court has declared it illegal to allow dogs to fight but perfectly LEGAL to make and sell DVDs of the event. Next up - babies in the Thunderdome - to the DEATH.

What the hell is with shows started at 7:58 instead of 8 o'clock? Both 'Glee' and 'Lost' did that this week and I hate it.

What kind of hubris makes the creators think that they can catch a viewer surfing between shows but because it looks like your program is on before the top of the hour. More likely I will think that the show you want me to watch in the 8 o'clock slot is just ending.

Am I wrong and this is all you got left in your worn out bag of network tricks? Guess you may have caught some huckeberries out there but I watch my shows on the computer and commercial free - so thanks for the extra couple of minutes of sintilating content. Then bite me.

There is no way that I can enjoy this lamp without re-decorating the entire house around it. What is wrong with you artsy lamp guy... Somethings are just too cool for their own good.

Does anyone have any hope that the American version will keep this character intact or will they bleed the last bit of 'te gay' out of him. For once, Fox, do somthing that makes the 'god and gun' crown crazy. And then promote the hell out of it. Full on full male kissing and maybe some bum squeezing. Don't ask but be told I always say.

I still say that the scene in the British version of 'Torchwood' when the hub is being destroyed around him and Capt Jack takes the time out to kiss Iaogo goodbye as only lovers kiss was my favorite, most thrilling science fiction moment of all last year.

Why do all animal suppervillains always make the zoo their headquarters? You would think that would get old and counterproductive after awhile.


Nomad said...

Torchwood was awesome! Children of Earth was caused me to have Heart palpitations. That scene with the aliens being downloaded by a stream of fire was brilliant and loud.
Torchwood ended with a bang. And the 10th Doctor ended it all with a name.(Smirk)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I weep for my country.

Robin said...

The British do a much better job than the Americans at TV - I also loved Torchwood and miss it. America is also putting out a movie - Death At A Funeral - which looks really, really, bad but the British original was hilarious!

Megan said...

I want that lamp for the offspring. And I want that playground in my back yard someday for my grandkids...