The time for BP's attempts to stop this oil spill on their own have come and gone. I don't know how much consultation they have done with other oil companies or experts around the world but now is the time for the best minds on this PLANET to think up a solution. BP needs to stop looking at their bottom line and needs to stop telling us lies. What are they stalling for? Each minute the spill and damage to the ocean gets worse.
I saw on TV how BP hired a bunch of workers to walk the beaches looking for 'tar balls' while the President was visiting. The second Obama left, however, these workers were no longer needed because the whole thing was just window dressing to show everyone that BP cared and was serious about beach clean-up. They don't care because even now it isn't serious enough to threaten BP's profits.
So why, at this point, are we allowing BP to do anything? They have clearly been dishonest with all of us. All these years they have used their power to avoid regulations and to fake safety reports. They have no idea how to fix the problem they created. Before one inch of pipe went into the ocean, they should have had a plan on hand to fix anything that possibly went wrong. A solution to the problem of a 'leaky' pipe should have been on the top of that list. When a situation is left to become a global crisis, BP loses the right to call any of the shots.
Their company needs to be shut down and their assets need to be seized. Those assets need to go into the hiring of smart people and paying for equipment that may be needed to shut this well off for good. No more 'top hats' no more 'top kills' and certainly no 'junk shots' which is supposedly the next idea these geniuses have. If heavy mud didn't work, what makes them think that golf balls and rubber tires will work any better?
It will already be decades if not longer for the ocean to recover from this spill. How much more damage will we need to do before all of us realize that oil dependency and greed is counterproductive to the life of this world?
The only thing that gives me any kind of hope is that this incident may push the development of green technologies further along than they are now. Electrical power, wind and solar energy projects need to be greenlit so that the need to do this risking drilling offshore won't exist anymore.