How magnificent is this young bastard to go out in the snow, during a storm, without his coat or socks for mittens JUST to get himself a cone? You sure have earned your official 'Canadian Cave of Cool' membership - just one more small step involve before you reach the dream of all - to be FULL citizens of our fine nation.
Also how great a term is THUNDER SNOW - snow so wet and heavy that it actually creates Thunder and Lightning? That is not just a dusting of fluffy frozen water. That is the full the sodomy of winter storms. That is having your ass beaten by a frozen cricket bad and saying "Thank you sir. May I have another?"
However, I have to admit you guys on the east coast of this continent are getting the shit kicked out of you with snow. I haven't heard warnings to keep children indoors and from playing around in snowdrifts since I was a kid.
They would actually show us films in school about kids being killed and chewed up in snow removal machines because they couldn't see us and we couldn't see them. Gruesome results that they showed us without censoring the clip.
I hate when there is all this stow because inevitably we will get the floods which are worse than any snows. It's going to be a rough year all round but will be a great September and August so please hold onto hope. Hope is your friend. And you know I must have some inside tract to happiness if I am recommending such a Pollyanna way of thinking.
Whoa, cool!
Welcome to my last couple days. Although admittedly, I don't bother leaving my apartment when it snows, that guy is way more badass than I'll ever be when the fluffy white stuff falls.
Forgive me for having this cute image of you out in the snow - with big spoons tied to your feet like tweety bird - an the way to the store to get more birdsee.
Oh, he's probably a Canadian who just lives in NYC. A Winnipegger would be my guess.
Kal, is really not that far off the mark. :)
unfortunately, my towns idea of snow removal is plowing it onto the sidewalks and into peoples driveways. They will plow some of it to corners, but then you have a 5 ft snow bank on a corner and you can't see to pull out.
I have to walk half a mile to the train in the plowed slush crap. It sucks.
I have lived through thunder snow. It hit us back in the winter of 1977. We also got snow wheels that winter, the warm wind blew through and it created discs in the snow. It was weird.
I guess with all you have been hit with this year that anyone living and who has to interact with the snow daily to get to work or do their daily chores is just sick of it.
I have it far easier. Our snow is still white and fluffy and our streets get cleaned for the most part and it was actually 7 degrees CELCIUS here today.
So much so that the stupid cat woke me up to go outside at 4 AM. Sure, when I would LIKE him to go outside he can't be bothered.
Here in southerly Minnesota we've been enjoying a heat wave too...when 30°F hits in January, it's like a party here.
But yeah I'm a little sick of the snow...mostly because it & the combination of warm weather have created ice dams on my roof, and have started leakage in a few places in my house. If they were anywhere near my bookshelves, I'd be freakin out a lot more.
Haha that picture wins everything!
I think I'm in love. I wonder if he's single. Then again, it looks like vanilla and not chocolate.
That's the only thing about this picture that doesn't make sense.
You can always use your photoshopped skils to color that cone. Don't let that one thing turn you off. I know for comedy affect you are good at finding things that are deal breakers but this guy seems magnificent. He is cold weather adapted and the next decade or so will be all about the snows in winter.
Wow! As long as that stuff doesn't make it out to the left coast, I'll be happy! I feel bad for the folks in the east.
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