Christina Hendricks as the voice of Lois Lane in the animated feature 'All-Star Superman' was so terrific that it got me thinking about something. I would love her to play Lois in Zac Snyder's live action remake of Superman.
Think about it. What makes Lois so driven? I can imagine a girl who is only ever noticed for her magnificent breasts. She would never be taken seriously by anyone and everyone would assume that she got her job because of her looks. This would make her a serious over-achiever and push her to take crazy risks just to get the best stories.

Of course she doesn't help matters by the fact that she has no problem with using her sexuality to gain access to places that other reporters would be turned away from. She would have a great relationship with the cops and city officials who she would flirt with relentlessly.
Her overt sexuality would be the reason why Jimmy is so tongue tied and awkward around her. She would make his teen hormones go nuts.

When Clarke shows up she hates him because he is the first one who doesn't immediately stare at her chest. He gives her respect as a fellow reporter and employee because that was the way he was raised. It would throw Lois totally off her game and she would be annoyed with Clarke because she cannot figure him out and she has EVERYONE figured out.
Plus, he is invading HER turf and he seems to be able to beat her to the story. This is something she just cannot abide, especially after all the years she has put into being THE ace reporter for the Daily Planet.

Then in the same day comes Superman - the ULTRA male and the only man who really interests her. Strong like her military father and the ultimate do-gooder. The opposite of Lex who has also been chasing after her for years - as mainly a prize for his trophy case.
I almost feel sorry for Christina/Lois. Her whole world changed in a very short time. She doesn't know if she is coming or going. It might even push her closer to Lex because he is one man she understands. He of course would have new ulterior motives for hanging with her. Not only to take another shot at sleeping with her but to 'pump' her for information about this 'Superman'. She was the one who got the first official interview with him, after all.

I know some of you are tied to the old Margo Kidder role or the comics that always have Lois as a brunette. Sure you could darken Christina's hair but you don't have too. If you remember, Clarke's childhood love was Lana Lang who, except for 'Smallville' was always portrayed as a redhead. A redheaded Lois would just be an extension of Clarke's preference.
Of course it need not be said that to see Christina in a pencil skirt and high boots would be worth the price of admission alone. Someone whisper into Zac's ear if you talk to him.
Are you with me brothers and sisters?
With you all the way
I'd buy that for a dollar! hell yes!
Even more reason to watch superman
I remember her from 2 episodes of Firefly. I thought she did a great job in those shows. She would make a perfect Lois.
Since I know you are a super fan, does it look like there is a lot more of her in photo 2 and 3. She had always been hot and curvy but I think me smells a boob job.?
Those are different dresses and breast support systems. Don't be a hater.
I am soo not a hater...in fact I want to be one of the new breast support systems you speak of. Just looked a bit bigger than I remember.
Sorry, were you saying something? I kind of got distracted by the pictures.
How did I know that would happen. Just takes away from my excellent points.
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