Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Deserve My Nuts To Be Chocolate Covered Now

I am so proud of myself that I have maitained a blood level below 14 for the past two days (ten is the level you want to maintain for optimal health). It required the following of a dracoian diet but it's nice to see results even little ones. Every meal ingredient must be studied and planned. I am glad I have the time and scientific interest to really create a whole knew set of food combinations for me to fight this demon beast of a disease. Soup is soon becoming one of my greatest allies.


D.I. Felipe González said...

I wouldn't enjoy my nuts being covered in chocolate. Not my fetish.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good for you, you're on your way!

Tempo said...

Thats a vision I truly didnt need Cal... said...

Soup is good food, Kal. I'm loving soup these days too. And you can taste the pistachios better without chocolate. Sad but true.

Belle said...

Man, you have done fantastic. I love soup too.