Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Just So Stupid

I know people who ONLY collect 'Archie' comics. That just drives me insane. Don't they realize that it's the EXACT SAME COMIC each and every time? The issues and stories never change unless they are a 'special issue' about a gay character or a stupid character (like Sarah Palin in this issue). I hate when they try to be all 'relevant' and are about ten years late in their 'hipness'.

I have terrible memories of being given BIBLE Archies to read as a kid. As much as I hated this title, to bring GOD into the discussion was just about an infuriating as popular entertainment ever got for me.

How can anyone read more than ONE Archie at a time or RE-READ the same issue they just finished? Did you think you missed some nuance?

Now before you all get on me about being 'elitist' in my comic book selections, you should know that I DO enjoy comics that are simple and uncomplicated like Archie is. I have read more than my share of 'Richie Rich', 'Sad Sack', 'Little Dot', 'Hot Stuff', 'Casper' and 'Baby Huey'. I like cute. I hate stupid. Archie is stupid.


Marnie said...

This is for real? My God!

Anonymous said...

Obama & Palin? I knew there was trouble with Todd, but WOW! Has Michelle seen this cover??


Anonymous said...

They do make an attractive couple though. ;>

Kal said...

Michelle is in the back of the burger place filling a sock with nickels.

Belle said...

I liked Little LuLu better than the Archie comics. Loved the witch stories; I think the young witch was called Little Itch. But Superman was my favorite.

Kal said...

Wendy was the witch I think. Ah Superman. A classic. Just don't get better than him.

Unknown said...

It's been a very long time but Superman was the main one for me.

DrGoat said...

Compared to Archie, Little Lulu is a masterpiece of creative fiction.

Kal said...

That kid Sluggo was alllll right.