Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Survivor - Redemption Island

Something really annoyed me about tonight's premiere of Survivor. After 20 cycles or so, you would think that people would choose their wardrobe more carefully. You know you are going to be wet or cold and you know the heat will have you walking around in your underwear. Your clothing should reflect that understanding.

We live in a time when men's shorts can also double as swim trunks. Why the hell would you wear droopy old pink briefs when you know you are going to be wearing ONLY those for most of the time you are on camera. Phillip's name has officially been changed to 'Droopy Drawers'. I could also call him 'Batshit Crazy Guy' (or as my mother called him - 'The Goonybird'). Not only is he wearing the above mentioned underwear (which will fall apart in about a week) but he is just about the stupidest player to ever play the game. First rule of Survivor - SHUT YOUR MOUTH. I have my doubts that he was ever a federal agent. If I was working with him, he would have died from 'friendly fire' a long time ago.

Boston Rob vs Russell? I like that they are heading up their own tribes. It's seems like an even match-up but it is not. Despite being domesticated, Rob is still a very smart player and a savvy people person. Russell is not. Everyone knows Russell's game. He picks a pretty girl to ally himself with, make her the villain and ride to the end. I suspect he will go out early this time. His tactics will not work for him. Despite what he TRIES to do, he will always revert to form and be the sneaky bastard we loved for the previous two cycles he was a part of.

I like the idea of 'Redemption Island'. Once you are voted off you have to go live alone and FIGHT for your right to stay when the next evictee comes to join you. Technically a person can last in the game a long time before they are brought back to fight for the title. I am interested to see how this new twist plays itself out. It may be a total bust but I admire the producers for introducing something fresh to the game we all know so well. Let the madness begin.

This one looks to be fun. If the craziness I saw tonight is any indication.

Survivor Crush - Natalie


Wandering Coyote said...

I have to agree with your mom's assessment: Phillip is completely batshit. That guy is more more former federal agent than I am. And the more he goes on about it, the less credibility he has with me. He is a moron. But Christina was a moron to open her mouth to him, IMO.

Russell is still a fucktard hands down. I cannot stand him. Well, I cannot stand Rob either. We'll see how it goes. I'm a bit on the fence with it at this point.

Oh yeah, the pink undies were just beyond the pale absurd.

Wandering Coyote said...

Oops, I should have said that he is NO more a former federal agent than I am!

Kal said...

You do understand that a REAL federal agent would deny it just like you are doing now. Hmmmm.

I wish he had ONLY those pink drawers and when those fall apart he would have to make new ones out of palm leaves.

Wandering Coyote said...

LOL! Could be. I would think, though, that a former federal agent would be a tad more discrete in his dealings with people. This guy shows his hand too easily.

I hope his undies fall apart, too! Those are just plain BAD. I don't think a federal agent would wear such man panties! Another reason to suspect he's lying!

Kal said...

Well I can tell you that as an agent for the western powers during the Cold War that we wore swim trunks under our clothing or we went 'commando'. It' all about not wanted to arrive in hospital with a bullet wound and then having to also explain our underwear choice. We were running a classy organization back then. Mess up and the agency nevr lets you forget.

Megan said...

I am still trying to process what just happened. Even after all these seasons - when you KNOW that somebody who's getting extra air time in the first episode is going to be the one to go - it was still crazy.

Russell's tribe could win a lot of immunities in the early going.

Unknown said...

My attention to the subject of the guys left as soon as I saw Natalie's picture. Not bad at all.

Drake said...

I do hope this is the last time we see Russel on the show and the scuttlebut is that he gets kicked off soon. Rob is hampered with idiots,batshit crazy dude and weaklings...i bet he wins.
Can't wait for the meltdown teams on Amazing race!

DrGoat said...

You guys actually watch this show?

Kal said...

Russel is lunchmeat, Drake. I also am looking forward to the retreads on the new cycle of 'Amazing Race'. I so can't wait for the deaf kid to fail. Not because he is deaf but because he is a dickhead.

How can you not watch, Dr.G? Human misery, backstabbing, betrayal and pretty girls wearing the least amount of clothing allowed on network TV.There is always someone to dislike who is suffering from the elemements and lack of food. It's pure Shaudenfreud. It's brilliant.

DrGoat said...

I'll give it a try. Have avoided 'reality' shows like the plague up till now.

Kelly Sedinger said...

I not only can't stand Russell OR Rob, but I'm sick of them, too: between Survivor and The Amazing Race, these two boobs are 0-7...and yet CBS keeps bringing them back for another shot. If somebody at CBS has that big a hard-on for these two, then the network should just give them a million each, tell them to bugger off, and move on. Instead, every other year we get to see Rob's dumb-assed smile and now we'll see Russell all the time, too. (It's a matter of time until Russell is on Amazing Race.)

So, I will not be watching Redemption Island until both of these guys have been eliminated (and I mean eliminated, gone, not on the Redemption Island thing).