Monday, February 14, 2011

In The Spirit Of The Grammy's - You Remember My Hip Hop Albums, Right?

Screw Beiber (and it appears the Grammy people did that to him when awarding the trophy for best new artist - sorry bitch, you only get ONE shot at that one). THIS is what all the hip kids are listening to.


Unknown said...

That one went over my head Kal

Kal said...

As you know rappers never go by their own names. They chose to identify themselves by some goofy made up moniker.

Captain Funkateer Funk Swagger is mine.

These two images are the covers of my first two mythical and as yet unproduced albums - 'The Return of the Reggae Pirates' and 'Boom Box'

I had to get them up here before some young urban youth steals the great names and ideas.

I knew there had to be SOMETHING I did that you couldn't immediately connect with. Welcome to the madness that is the Cave of Cool.