Sunday, April 10, 2011

A-Z Blogging Challenge - I Is For Insects

I do love the bees but the wasps are a bother.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everything's big here in Alberta!

Belle said...

Good Letter I. The man swatting the bees? I guess that if from an old science fiction book. That woman is indeed scary looking.

TS Hendrik said...

I've noticed that with the disappearance of the bees, the number of wasps has grown. As far as I can tell they serve no purpose but evil.

Kal said...

I know. Freakin' wasps. I say we put an all out effort towards exterminating them while saving the bees.

M. D. Jackson said...

I hate wasps! Fortunately last year we saw fewer of them and more honey bees. I've already seen more bees this year than wasps.

Kal said...

I once swallowed one that had gotten in my glass bottle of Coke. It stunk me in my throat on the way down. I suspect that stomach acid finished it up but it hurt to swallow for about a week...AND I did not develop wasp like power.