Sometimes I have to admit that I get stressed. You would think that a man living in so glorious a place as the 'Cave of Cool' wouldn't have a worry or a care in the world but I do. Sure I have a cat who keeps my days busy with his thousands of tiny demands and I love writing and interacting with the followers of my little blog. The A-Z Challenge has brought many interesting people into my Internet life and have only complimented the ones who have stuck with me for so long. My unlimited love to you all of course.
Like anyone who has friends (and they are real friends) in far away places I wish I had more personal real life contact with you. I am sure (well pretty sure - okay mostly sure - maybe sure?) that you would like me in person. I miss those times when I would solve the world's problems with my friends over vodka drinks and chicken wings. That seems like a hundred years ago.
I worry about my health although in the past two weeks I have not had a blood glucose reading above 10 (8-10 is normal after a big meal). This is down from numbers higher than 17 for weeks after I was diagnosed last December. I have terrific results from my lab tests with all my other numbers going in the right direction.
I eat better (except for a binge of timbit donut holes a few days ago that I still feel guilty about) and I go to the pool at least three times a week. The real draw is the sauna (damn those Scandinavians for getting it right) but I do my laps too. I love the smell of chlorine in the morning - smells like, "Victory".
I worry about my 70 year old mother (who has the iron will and constitution of a young Winston Churchill if he has a Ukrainian accent) travelling all the way to the Gold Coast of Australia in a few weeks time to visit her grandchildren. She has done this expedition several times before but it still worries me.
Australia has had a bad year, weather wise, and still has all those venomous things that can kill you. I shouldn't worry because they should be more afraid of her than she is of them (serious, all you snakes and frogs stay back unless you want to get strangled - Mom is old school - as she said when we were kids, 'Flick of the wrist and it's done'.)
I also watched a story on 'Sixty Minutes Australia' that told about a Quantus flight that had to make an emergency landing when one of it's engines fell off the wing (???). Plus with those Southwest airplanes turning into convertibles lately, I am worried for her 17 hour flight.
For the first time before these trips she has been telling me that all the papers I need to handle things if she doesn't make it or passes in Australia are in 'THE BOX'. I don't want to hear about these things. I know it's just prudent planning on her part and just like her to go all practical on me but...wow...I never think of her not being around. Her health is excellent. In fact I like to think she is like Aunt Zora from my favorite episode of 'Frasier'.
Niles - "Remember the family legend that says that Aunt Zora joined the partisans so that she could strangle Nazis?"
Frasier - "Oh, come on Niles. She must have been five years old during the war."
Niles - "Well that's why the legend says they were strangled with jump ropes"
So as I was sitting her pondering all this, several movies I have been wanting to download for her trip suddenly showed up on Demonoid. One is a three hour documentary about a group of French Monks called 'Into Great Silence'. In 1984, German filmmaker Philip Gröning wrote to the Carthusian order for permission to make a documentary about them. They said they would get back to him. Sixteen years later, they were ready. Those monks don't rush anything.
Now for me, this is not something I would enjoy. No car chases, swear words or gun battles and I would be going crazy about ten minutes in. But on her little lap top with DVD player that I bought her for Christmas (and took three months showing her how to work it) it will be perfect for her.
I also downloaded several Australian travelogues and will add a week's worth of 'Young and the Restless' just before she leaves.
So that is my life. Worries on top of worries. Can you imagine if I had a girlfriend or a wife or children. My damn head would explode.
BUT, just when I needed some cheering up, what do I see. THIS LINK that talks about 9 record attempts that ended in death. I swear Internet, you DO love me because like me you know that records are stupid.
You're doing SO WELL with your blood sugars, Cal! Impressive.
I watched "Into Great Silence" a couple of years ago. It is slow, slow, slow. Which is fine because you don't expect a movie about silent monks to be cut like an MTV video. But I didn't really find the movie all that terribly deep or insightful either, which disappointed me.
It sounds like your Mom is in good hands. I'm sure everything will go fine. A weeks worth of the Young and Restless should get her there safe and sound. Your very fortunate your Mom is around. My Mom was very practical too. She went over everything with my sister and I several years before she died, so everything was taken care of. I wish I was going with her. I need a vacation.
I loathe records too. Useless.
PS. I've seen boobs and ukulele's before.
Hugs to you! It's the things we worry most about that don't happen and the things we never expected (and thus didn't worry about) that we're slammed by.
Hang tough.
Really need to get to work on that teleporter so you can visit your far-away friends.
I think you're handling things well! Your mom will be fine and will be glad to see the rest of the family for a bit. Sort of just like having kids, you can't keep them safe ALL the time, you have to sometimes let them fly or fall all on their own.
And congrats on the blood sugar levels! That is impressive, donut binge aside. And hey, don't feel too guilty. Life is waaaaay too short for that nonsense!
I think that documentary sounds kind of interesting. I will have to check it out. Glad to hear your glucose is staying level.
Wait this L, when did you jump a letter?
H, I, J, K is for Kitties, L...nope, me am right on track.
Granny always told us "worry is advanced payment for trouble that seldom comes!" I've tried to live by those words and it really helps.
I'm REALLY glad to hear that you are doing so well healthwise. Keep up the good work my friend!
I am happy I found you and this blog. You make me laugh out loud which I have truly needed lately.
Happy to hear you have gotten your sugar under control...scary stuff.
Mom will be fine. I did all those same things before I went to Africa. What a perfect send off Young and the Restless (slutty trash) and monks (penitence) good yen and yang.
Glad to hear your health is getting better, Kal! How come you're not going Down Under with mom?
I have been twice and have seen and done most everything Eastern Australia has to offer. Also the flight is a bear and I realized too late that I could have just went to New Zealand and met her for the flight home.
I am not sad though because I don't want to travel alone anymore. If I travel I want to go with someone or meet people who I have met through my blog. I plan to go to New York this summer or fall so I am saving my money for that.
ah, Big Apple, I'm already jealous :))
I worry about everyone in my family, especially when they go on trips. It is just you feel you have no control, and yet you don't have control here at home either!
It is so nice of you to download stuff for her to watch. My mom is still traveling at 83 years old. We are leaving on a jet plane for Nevada on Saturday. At least we will go down together!
I want to go to NYC too. Don't they have a big blog conference there in the fall...or maybe it is in the winter.
I know there is a big comic convention there in the fall but I would like to see what a blogging convention is all about also. Maybe I will see you there.
Would could grab a beer...discuss flying cats. :)
Ah, flying cats...one of my all time favorite topics to discuss. But please cut me off if I am going on to much about how much the technology is so helping our cause. And please don't encourage me to bring along my charts and blueprints. I tend to go overboard when that happens. Can you send me your addy by email, V? or is that FIVE, like on 'V for Vendetta'.
I'm on it...and 5 man I wish I thought of that...could have done some fun stuff with that.
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