The specter of two national Republican figures apologizing for calling President Obama, the first African-American president, alternately a "tar baby" and "boy" gave new fuel to speculation on the left that, underneath much of the criticism of the president and his policies, lurks the shadow of racism. Last week, Rep. Doug Lamborn (R) of Colorado, on a Denver talk radio show, said, “Even if some people say, ‘Well the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,’ they will hold the president responsible. Now, I don’t even want to have to be associated with him. It’s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you’re stuck, and you’re a part of the problem now and you can’t get away.”The specter of two national Republican figures apologizing for calling President Obama, the first African-American president, alternately a "tar baby" and "boy" gave new fuel to speculation on the left that, underneath much of the criticism of the president and his policies, lurks the shadow of racism.
There is only one reason why elected officials feel free to use words like 'tar baby' and 'boy' when referring to President Obama - because there is no one to stand up to them and tell these racist fatheads that they have crossed over the line. In fact, just the opposite occurs with voters standing firmly behind the racist comments of their representatives, especially in the 'Red' (republican) states. This kind of behavior is red meat to conservative voters.
Too many constituents in too many districts hate the President just because he is black. We all know this to be true. There is nothing Obama could ever do to win them over so why is he pandering to these Tea Party Trolls at all? They will never support him.
So instead of cutting this group of losers adrift, he gives them importance that is not their due. He turns them into players in this debate. He weakens his own position while strengthening the position of his enemies.
It just makes no sense.
Meanwhile, the President is ignoring the base that got him elected in the first place? Time and time again we find Obama giving away the store just so he can sit at the cool kid's table. Little or nothing that progressives want (despite controlling the Presidency and the Senate) ever sees the light of day. Here are just a few examples from the past three years.
The death of the 'Dream Act'.
The clusterfuck that was 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'.
No progress on the 'Defence of Marriage' act.
Watered down health care reforms.
Consumer protection legislation without teeth.
Wall Street reform without teeth.
Elizabeth Warren gets no recess appointment to a job that no one is the world is more qualified and skilled to do - head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She is not a fan of predatory lending practices and high interest credit cards but since these industries and their lapdogs, the GOP, didn't want a strong consumer advocate at the top, they scuttled her nomination or threatened to.
I am disgusted with the lack of spine Obama has shown in so many issues like health care and now the made up 'Debt Ceiling Crisis'. Good luck getting the Republicans to ever agree to negotiate with you now, Mr President. They don't have to because in the end they KNOW that you will cave like a house of cards, give the other side everything they want, abandon your base, abandon your principals and weaken your legacy as President.
They hate you already Mr President. What is different now is that the right no longers respects you, or fears you. That makes you a duck, a lame duck. What the fuck happened to your POTENTIAL?
Obama is the freakin' PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, he should be able to use that position to kick some ass and get things done. He reached that lofty station by being smart - but not tough, unfortunately. He has let lightweights like Eric Cantor (who I SO want to punch in the face every time I see his smug mug on the TV box), Mitch McConnel and John 'that's my natural color' Boener slap him around when he should have had them for lunch. These are not rocket scientists we are dealing with here. Obama is smarter than any ten of them and it wouldn't be a far fight if the President would go back to the person he was before he became President.
I hate that now the Right can gloat about staring down the President and watching him blink first. They will lionise the Republican leaders and still find every reason to tear the President down. To them this is a 'blood in the water' moment.
I was thinking about this issue the other day and for a second I imagined a scenario where Obama was not a secret Muslim but in fact was put into office by secret Republican support because he WAS a Republican. When elected, Obama would be in a perfect position of being able to TALK a good game but never really deliver on his promises. He could tank legislation the right didn't want and insure that the bills that DID get signed, favored the money men who really pay for government.
Tonight that scenario seems more and more plausible.
1 comment:
I had similar thoughts about this mess. Who needs republicans when we have Obama. I can't tell how disapointed I have become lately. No public option for health care, which was the whole idea for reform, no stopping the tax breaks for the rich and for corporations, no regulation of the same people that practically caused the recession, no nothing. I don't get the kissing of every republicans ass either. You said it nicely in this post. They don't like you, they never will, so why not jump on their ass? Don't know.
The whole reason there is a tea party is because he's black. I'm damn certain of that. That bullshit about not wanting government in their face is just that, BS. Where were they before he got elected?.
I'm not happy the republican party has embraced the most right wing, racist portion of their party, but it shows a lot of their true face.
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