I move in my sleep because he won't lie parallel to me - he has to stretch perpendicular. What happen to the pet at the FOOT of his masters bed, not crowding the pillows near my head.
He will cry in my face or my ears when he wants some attention, usually to be let outside. Then back inside. Then some excuse to go back outside like he left his wallet at the 7-11. I always fall for that one.
In the winter he lives indoors 99% of the time. In the warmer seasons, however, he has always gone out at night. After 14 years I hardly notice it anymore because he follows a routine. When he wants to come in he cries at my window and I go let him in. He eats, he sleeps, he prowls, he gets sweet brushing and smudges from me - no animal ever had it so good except maybe for myself.
Once a year, however, he decides to be away for 48 hours or more. I swear he must a a girl on the inside who just got out of jail and can only see him for 2 days before she has to take a bus back to Manitoba (and before some of you get snotty with you invasive questions - YES, cats can take the bus in Canada. It's their constitutional right!). He always comes home looking rough. Today was no exception,.
This time my feline Pepe Le Pew was gone 38 hours past his curfew. He is home and safe and tired now. I hope he sleeps till next Tuesday. I should treat him like he treats me and wake him up every hour with some meaningless activity for him to do. See how he likes it. But NO. I LOVE MY KITTY and would never exploit him and our relationship in that way. So here is the scoundrel. Home again.

Don't ya just love it when they push the limits and put the zap on your brain? I think it's in their contract. Need to be wild clause.
Don't hit me with the 'wild' card. This one only claims he's wild when it suits his purposes. Every other time he is pampered and entitled and ungrateful. He's a freak for comfort - his and nobody else's.
If his childhood homies could see his Lordship now he would lose all of his built up street cred.
I wish I could go walkabout one day! I am Not Allowed outside. On account of the alligators in my back yard.
How can you be sure he's not off saving the world once a year? Maybe you should be grateful.
Pampered, entitled and ungrateful. That's also in the contract.
But TS might be right. You say he looks all worn out when he gets home? Could be from the earth shattering battle he just had with one of the old ones. Or it could have been a moth.
You are a good feline servant, Cal. Bast will reward you in the next life.
I call myself "Doorman" because all day long I let cats and dogs in and out of the house. I do their bidding with many complaints, but they don't give a shit.
That helps me in the next life Debra. But what does it do for me in THIS life.
You need to hear the song "Woody" by Canadian (Yes, CANADIAN!) folk singer Hayden.
It's all about the once a year adventures of his cat Woody. I think you'll love it.
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