Since when does real life imitate bad crime movies? This story is bizarre but fascinating. Collar bombs now? Are kidnappers too lazy to actually snatch a person up and put them into a windowless van? Wasn't like that when I was a kid. Our kidnappers had a work ethic you could respect.
Harrowing Ordeal of the Day: In what may be a rather tactless promotion for the next Saw film and/or 30 Minutes or Less, an 18-year-old girl from upscale Burrawong Avenue in the Sydney suburb of Mosman was freed from a “very elaborate” collar bomb shortly after midnight local time after been trapped in it for 10 hours.
According to a police report, a balaclava-clad intruder broke into Madeleine Pulver’s multimillion-dollar home, and attached a device to her before fleeing.
Pulver told police the stranger left behind a ransom note. It is believed that Madeleine, the daughter of businessman Bill Pulver, was the victim of an extortion plot.
There had been no contact between Pulver and her parents during the ordeal, nor had the intruder attempted to re-establish contact.
“The important thing, ladies and gentlemen, is the young lady is safe,” said Assistant Commissioner Mark Murdoch following the scare’s conclusion. Australian Federal Police and the British military were called in to advise while bomb technicians “[came] to grips” with the “very sophisticated device.”
Geez... that is just insane.
This is a story right out of a comic book. The kind of guy who does something like this is a thinker and a patient thinker at that. One guy, no partners which is why he didn't kidnap the girl. Too much for one guy to handle. This way you get to ransom without having to look after a hostage. He's very tech savy and knows as much if not much more than the police computer experts do. I hope he doesn't kill himself when they finally get him (it will be hubris that brings him down) because I want to hear more about his story.
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