Kickass Currency of the Day: The Canadian Mint has issued two new 25-cent coins featuring mythical creatures said to haunt Canada’s lakes: the serpentine Memphré (above) and the cat-like Mishepishu (after the jump).
Memphré has a dragon-like head and a serpent’s body, and it’s been sighted as many as eight times a year in Lake Memphremagog (say that 10 times fast) since 1816. Mishepishu is a lynx-like cat that, according to Ojibwe legend, swims Lake Superior and has shapeshifting abilities.

Both of the cryptid-bearing quarters were illustrated by Emily Damstra, and they’re available from the mint for $24.95 CAD a piece.
Are Niue’s Star Wars coins now only the second-coolest currency on the planet?
But were is a coin for Loup Garou, Ogopogo and the Wendigo?

That is seriously wicked. I love the second one especially.
I think Loup Garou, Ogopogo and the Wendigo are getting the cold shoulder from the Canadian Mint. But didn't the Sasquatch get a coin too? I thought I saw one on the original news item about these coins. Or maybe I was just hallucinating. Again.
Our money here looks like crap next to yours. America has a history of plain, non-imaginative designs for cash. That Poppy dollar is great.
Does Canada have a fiat currency or is it gold backed. why would you pay 25 Canadian dollars for a quarter dollar freshly minted. Well, other than the fact that it looks cool, is probably limited distrobution and the metal in it is worth that much.
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