How in the multiverse does something like this abomination get made? I half expected the end of everything when I first saw this cover because that is what's suppose to happen when matter and antimatter meet.
ROBERT KIRKMAN (the matter), the genius behind 'Invincible' (the greatest teen superhero comic that you are not reading) and the near mythic 'The Walking Dead' worked on this comic with ROB LEIFELD (the antimatter), who we can all agree is the worst mainstream artist to ever work in the medium. I can forgive style but I insist on substance. Leifeld's work is soulless and ugly.
Again with the pouches and the undrawn feet. If I didn't know better I would swear this piece is a caricature of Liefeld. For a 'Liefeld' it's a bad 'Liefeld' and that is saying alot.
I can't even begin to imagine the lame names that were given to these two characters - who incidentally look like every other character Liefeld has ever drawn.
I can't imagine a more boring pose for the cover either. Back to back? Its not as if they're in the heat of battle pushing their weight against one another, or even showing that they have weight. If they have guns, show them using them, maybe under some rubble they use as cover, caught in the middle of a firefight with spaceships and lasers in the background or sky above to offer a sense of scope.
The oversized torsos are one thing, but a pet peeve of mine is the way he draws legs, specifically thighs so stiff and identical. Its the reverse of "dynamic", whatever that is.
Think of all the kids back then who traced over Liefeld's stuff to teach themselves how to draw.
Who influences you. Who are your favorites, Erik?
Mignola, Kirby, Timm, Ross, Windsor-Smith, Steranko for me.
It is interesting to read your critiques of illustrations. I'm learning stuff. :) I don't like the pouches either.
Who are my favorites? Well I'm glad you asked Kal. About a year ago I charted an influence map to showcase my favorite inspirational artists
See it here: http://stardustdragon.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2ws8on
The list included:
Norman Rockwell, Jack Kirby, Frank Frazetta, Gary Larson, Charles Schultz, Will Eisner, Stan Lee, Alex Ross, Bruce Timm, Berni Wrightson, Hal Foster, J.C. Leyendecker, Alfred Hitchcock, Jeff Smith, Tim Sale, tvtropes.com, Bill Watterson and Scott Kurtz.
One year later I've gleamed some new artists who have had great influence in a short amount of time that I would include: Old school cartoonists like Alex Toth, Milton Caniff, and Hank Ketcham and some new kids on the block like Adam Hughes and Frank Cho who sadly get tight-cast doing pin ups because both are extraordinary at black white balance, linework and composition.
I love Mignola, but so many people were copying his style in school that I stepped back for a little while. Steranko's good too, but its been hard to find quality scans of his pages.
I used to post comic cover critiques on the blog "Bully Says Comics Should Be Fun". Maybe I should repost them to my own blog. Also, I still need to do that Favorite Comic Covers guest post here.
I never got the whole pouches fetish Rob has. With his inability to draw feet i always think of the Charlie Brown cartoon where he's asked why in all his drawings the people have their hands behind their backs "I Can't Draw Hands." Charlie says.
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