I couldn't find an embedded file of this great Elaine (from Seinfeld) clip about the heat of Hell which must be what the people in the Dallas Fort Worth area are feeling after 70 straight days of plus 100 degree temperatures. You can see the clip HERE.
That kind of weather would kill me. Intense environmental warming is my Kryptonite. I am a giant cuddly polar bear after all.
Your a polar bear? Does that mean if you shaved your beard you'd be black underneath?
Black down to my toes.
It's been a looooooong summer, that's for sure. Average high for August was 105 F. The drought is an even bigger problem though - hence the widespread wildfires.
This IS Texas, though. Land of weather extremes. Last winter was the coldest/snowiest in a long time too. Didn't hear much about man made global warming when everyone was freezing their balls off last January.
Feh... It's Texas. It gets hot. That's how we roll.
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