This is a FREE country dagnamit! No one deserves to have their magnificent cleavage stunted by THE MAN. People have died on foreign battlefields to protect many things; cleavage being one of them. I have a similar policy towards bra free boobies - they must run on the range...and they must run free.

The Canadian Parliament apparently has a strict code for House of Commons attire. An alert Googler discovered a discrepancy between a Google thumbnail of Rathika Sitsabaiesan, a new M.P., and her official parliamentary photograph: the Google thumbnail shows her in a lower-cut shirt than her official parliamentary photo, though identical in all other respects. It’s unclear whether the old picture was Photoshopped by Sitsabaiesan’s office or the parliamentary website. Sitsabaiesan, 29, is the first Tamil-Canadian M.P. to be elected.
Thanks to Budd for passing this story onto me.
The Canadian Parliament is so prudish. For you, I'd vote for free range bra free boobage for all. It's the right thing to do.
I once convinced my best friend that that my hand was found up her shirt the morning after we feel asleep together because I was fully in support of her 'free range' policy. I actually got away with that.
You see this kind of thing a lot..if you take notice of such things. If she was comfortable with it, why was there a problem?
Steven Harper has a problem with boobies? That's so odd, because because he is one himself.
Did I say that out loud?
BTW: That's classic -- convincing a girl that you copped a feel because you supported the political/feminist statement she was making by not wearing a bra.
You da man!
Hey, no problem. Now she is a Tamil Tiger, Meow!
MD - It was all I could think of at the time. Sometimes the stupidest excuse if the best excuse.
No excuses necessary. That same kind of thing has been going on for hundreds of years. It certainly went on in the '60s. We all supported the peace and love movement. Especially with a pretty girl.
I came back for more laughs and I got them.
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