I went to the dentists today and then slept most of the day away. My typing feels 'off' like I am having a stroke or something. I am hungry but I am not sure for what.
I would love to have a girlfriend right now...especially as it's getting colder. Doesn't anyone want to negotiate a deal. I am sure we can find something to trade.
I have no Halloween candy because I am going to buy it cheap tomorrow. It's a sad pathetic thing I know but it's how we do it in the North Am, bitches.
I like the little frozen chocolate bars the best. But you can only get a certain small variety of flavors these days.
Somone or everyone ask me questions so that my mailbox is full in the morning. Please.
Alright...I will go for it. I have emailed other bloggers to find...NOTHING...So here goes...Could you feature my Monster Cafe Saltillo on one of your posts one day? I do NOT get why people do not feel it is cool enough to feature.
This post reminded me I have a dentist appointment soon. Oh what joy. We can put men on the friggin' moon but we can't make injections painless? Fuck that!
You can count the number of kids who came to our house last night on the fingers of one hand. As usual we over-prepared so now we have a buttload of Halloween candy.
Send me your email and addy and I will talk you up but good. But you owe me. That cute waitress who brings me extra chicken figures will do. So email the info keighton@hotmail.com
This must be the time for Dentists. I have to go get a root canal Thurs. I've been on antibiotics for a week now and I feel like crap.
We had the same scenario at our house. NO trick-or-treaters. All the kids have grown up and left the neighborhood and are terrorizing someone else.
Have you tried online dating sites? In the meantime, I hear there are pillows shaped like women.
I have tried online dating sites and met some nice people but I find it very hard to give up my lifestyle. I would really like to snuggle with a real live person. When my breating matches with yours it's the best feeling ever.
Lifestyle of what? Riding monkey men to the moon? You don't seem like a drinker. Just a homebody and a online person. What's to give up?
And yes, snuggling is the best.
You really got me pegged down. I AM a loner and a loser who writes and creates things that no one will read. I could take up drinking if you think I don't have enough of a hobby. Actually, I am kinda super sad if you realy think about it.
Gaw! I hope you didn't take that as insulting. I certainly didn't mean it. I'm a loner and a homebody who also creates things on the internet. But many people read yours!
I was just meaning that I don't know why someone would expect you to give up those things. Going to strip clubs every night? Yes, probably should tone it down for a relationship. Going out drinking every night? Same. Smoking weed like there's no tomorrow? Same.
But there's lots of homebody ladies who like to snuggle and play online. If they have problems with being online, why would they meet you online?
Or maybe they expect you to move?
I am proud of this creation I have put togehter in my little 'Cave of Cool' world. I don't have to work so I am happy to look after my mother's home so she can travel the world and visit my sister and her grandchildren in AUSTRALIA. I have a safe place to write and play and I don't hurt nobody.
I sorry D for being a loser around you. I really wanted your respect.
You aren't a loser and I never, ever called you one, nor would I. Where you live and your employment status has no affect on somebody's awesomeness factor. You're still 100% awesome. *^_^*
There is no harm in wanting romantic human contact! Most people have the same desire. I think it's called being a fucking human being. It's really hard for people who are "perpetually" single. It wears on your self esteem and what you feel society might tell you are worth. I think it's great that you are jolly about it most days. You pour your heart and soul into this blog. Sometimes weakness emerges.
Your Russian bride will come, Cal!
Well good. I want to be about to pick you up when I roam the post apocalyptic wastelands. Why do you think I am awesome and I won't ask again.It matters what you think of me.
Sometimes weakness emerges.
Why do I think you are awesome? Witty, generally jolly, intelligent, thoughtful, kind and interactive with your readers, and a totally badass beard!
Feel better! Online hug!
Yeh, that did it. Thanks, my friend. I am glad that you found me.
I would trade the g/f for some of the toys, but she comes with all 6 kids. Still want to make a deal.???
It never hurts to negotiate so show me some pictures in superhero outfits.
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