Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Arrow - Pilot

The pilot had more action and adventure in it than five seasons of Smallville. I loved all the mysterious island stuff and the unanswered questions about what happened to Ollie when he was gone for five years and presumed dead. Like any good comic book everything and everybody is related to each other and there are more than enough villains to go around. I think I have found something to replace 'The Cape' which is lost and dearly lamented. I am especially interested in finding out how Queen educated himself on advanced technology, zen Buddhism, pickpocketing, archery, parkour and learned to be such a deadly combat specialist. That takes more than just reading a book. That takes a mentor and I think I know who it is from the first minutes of the show.

First introduced in New Teen Titans in 1980, Deathstroke has since become a fan favorite character who winds up having several hostile confrontations with Green Arrow in the DC Universe. In addition the Slade knowing the secret identity of Green Arrow, one of their most noteworthy confrontations ends with Arrow stabbing Deathstroke in his eye socket with an arrow. I only feel it’s important to mention this because that one encounter was the first thing I thought of when I saw the imagery of an arrow piercing the mask.



M. D. Jackson said...

I liked the pilot but had one quibble: Oliver Queen is a billionaire. You think he'd be able to afford a real mask instead of just painting his eyes green. Oh, yeah, and commit to the beard, already! Enough of this shilly shallying with the "three Day Growth" look!

Other than that it was a pleasant surprise.

david_b said...

Nah, didn't like any of the Grell reimaging of the '80s (Longbow series..).

Just too trendy, after Dark Knight Returns. Heavy grit, not much entertainment value.

Give me '70s Ollie Green anytime.