Saturday, October 13, 2012


Hey Theodore Roosevelt, remember that time someone tried to assassinate you, but you just laughed and proceeded to give a 90-minute long speech with the bullet lodged in your lung, where it remained for the rest of your life? Or when you tore up your leg after being thrown into piranha-infested waters while exploring uncharted Brazil? Or all those times you broke your ribs from falling off horses while doing bad-ass jumps? Or when you destroyed the sight in your left eye in a White House boxing match? Or that time you killed a cougar in a knife fight (seriously.)? And how the only way death could finally get to you was in your sleep, in the early morning on this day in 1919. Here's to TR as the infinite inspiration for pure, condensed badassery.



Mike D. said...

I used to pose the hypothetical question who would win in a fist fight TR or Hemingway... E.H. was a very hands on tough guy who used to take no bull and be very in ones face.
I always thought to myself...TR would win.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

He was a man's man, alright. He would have made Hemingway cry like a little girl.

Kal said...

Hemmingway did love his kitties but he took a punch like a little girl.