Monday, October 15, 2012

I Got Nothin' Against Count Chocula

Sure, he's no Boo Berry, but who of us is? I just wonder how a vampire expects to suck blood when his fangs are blunted the way Count Chocula's fangs are. I know the chocolaty sugar bars he promotes caused the rest of his teeth to fall out. Isn't there some rule where you can't technically call yourself a vampire if you are just going through the motions, right? I don't care how you get your blood - guys, gals, cows, pets, old people, toddler, hipsters or Republican - just stop with the shillin' and get with the killin'.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I finally got to try some Count Chocula last weekend when I was over at a friend's place. It tasted like chocolate covered pencil shavings, I can only imagine what it was like if you poured on milk.

Then again I've grown up almost all my life on Grain, Corn, Wheat, or Oat cereals so I may not be the best person to judge. Also, there were no cartoons on. After all what is junk cereal without cartoons on TV while wearing footie pajamas?

Wings1295 said...

The flavor of Count Chockula has changed, I think there is less sugar. It isn't the same as when I was a kid, that's for sure.

Kal said...

I was always more of a fan of Frankenberry because you got the strawberry milk at the end.

The Flying Dachshund said...

I just wish they would bring back Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy 1 year so I could try them as I missed out on both...

M. D. Jackson said...

Count Chocula, Saturday Morning cartoons and running around the house screaming off a sugar high were some of the best parts of my childhood.

Kal said...

Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy got by me too.

So few of us were around at the perfect moment to know both the myth and reality of Saturday Morning cartoons at their height.