Saturday, March 16, 2013

Are You All Ready For This?



Unknown said...

devil = disney gone wild...

Kal said...

Disney owes me for all those chaste Snow White fantasies I have had throughout my life. And trust me, Selena knows exactly what she is doing. She is the real deal.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

No, "Devil" was that M. Night film about the haunted elevator. If you want Disney Gone Wild, I'm sure some perverse cartoonists have already created something thats just a Google search away.

I expected this one to be viewed harshly by the critics when in fact it the only movie opening this weekend with a certified fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, currently holding at an impressive 76 percent.

I'm interested in learning more, by which I mean, "do any of these cuties show their patootie?"

Kal said...

I hear there is a three-way but it doesn't involve Selena, which kinda makes me happy but disappoints me all at the same time. Her and I have a connection but she fears that if I see her in this role that I might lose some respect for her. The truth is that anyone that shows me their sexuality goes to the top of my fan list. One day you will ALL see that I was right about her all along. I don't just crush on any pretty girl out there. You really have to EARN my love.

Mike D. said...

I see belly biddin's! overload...overload...overload

Mike D. said... got distracted there...typo... " Belly Buddin's!!!"