Tuesday, March 12, 2013

If You Hillbillies Want To Wear A Cowboy Hat...

Find one that ACTUALLY fits your head. If you don't want to mess up your pretty hair then don't wear a hat at all. Where is the elastic to keep these tiny hats on their heads? If they poke their heads outside of the window of the General Lee, their hats will be gone - then run over by Sherrif Rosco in the car behind them.



D.I. Felipe González said...


Dr. Theda said...

There are often men ( and sometimes ladies) who wear these hats in my small Southern town...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You would look like one bad hombre in a black cowboy hat, Cal. Might be a good look on you.

Kal said...

Or one of the Australian Outback hats. I could do that.

Kelly Sedinger said...

I saw a dude wearing a very nice Stetson a while back. But it was a rainy day, so he had it wrapped in plastic. DUMBEST looking thing EVER. (I know, real Stetsons are real expensive...but the point of a frakking hat is to protect your head, right?!)