Monday, March 4, 2013

Lantern Festivals Don't Look Safe

The most elaborate Yi Peng celebration is in Chiang Mai, where thousands of people gather and launch hot-air lanterns into the night sky. Made of a thin fabric, usually rice paper, a candle or fuel cell is attached so that when it's lit, the hot air trapped inside creates enough lift for it to float away. It's a spectacular sight as thousands of lanterns are released at the same time. The festival is meant as a time to pay respect to higher deities - you say a prayer, make a wish and then watch as your lantern floats away. (Many people also believe that the lantern will carry your troubles away with it.)


Tempo said...

Around here people make these to look like alien spacecraft and release them to freak people out... it works

Kal said...

I keep thinking of Romanians that did the same kind of ceremony during tinder dry conditions and when some of these things landed they started massive forest fires.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The release sure looks spectacular though.

DrGoat said...

I think those troubles are carried away and then drop on someone else.

D.I. Felipe González said...

You are missing all the fun for safety reasons, Cal: