Monday, March 18, 2013

Look Like Someone You Know?

I hate to make accusations but, to me, the character of the Devil in the History Channel's miniseries, The Bible, looks an awful lot like President Barack Obama. I hardly think it's a mistake when you understand who made this movie. Roma Downy is a hard core evangelical conservative and this must have been her gift to the other Holy Rollers who will be short stroking themselves over the knowledge that Obama, is indeed, Satan. After all, The Bible, told them so.

If you were wondering about historical accuracy, YES, the producers chose to go with the handsome, long haired hippie Jeebus, not the dark, swarthy, correct Middle East version because that would only cause confusion among the faithful and their kids.

If the Jesus on the wall doesn't match the guy on screen then it will only be tougher to explain all those inconsistent and inconvenient truths to the children.

For sheer, gut busting entertainment you can't go wrong with this Bible train wreck. At times it's unwatchable but still one of the funniest things that I have seen on TV in a long time. This is what happens when someone takes the Bible stories so SERIOUSLY.



j-swin said...

i always think it's hilarious when Jesus is depicted with very caucasian features because a 2000 year old Hebrew from the middle east would have looked like Barry Gibb...

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Wow. That is pretty bad.

DrGoat said...

Since there is no proof whatsoever all this ever happened, I think we are safe with 'historical accuracy'. And I saw a Sunday Morning interview with the two creeps that produced this. Makes me want to puke.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, he DOES look like Obama -- 30 years from now, LOL!

Mr. R said...

Jesus really has a James Franco in Pineapple Express look going there, doesn't he?

Unknown said...

Looks Like My X . Mole and All.

Kal said...

You dated the Devil or Jesus?

Margaret Benbow said...

The Jeebus on the show looks all smiley, happy and freshly hair-gelled, ready to play his banjo in a Hootenaney. I think it would be fair to say the historical Jesus was a very serious guy. Also short, swarthy and with curly hair.

Kal said...

I hate many of the choices these producers made because they all perpetuate the worth messages of the bible in a way that is way to violent for evangelicals and their children. This is almost more violent than Spartacus.