Sunday, March 17, 2013

OMG I Only Got 50% On This Test

I thought I knew most everything that can be learned about Ferris Bueller's Day Off  but apparently I know nothing. To be fair this test is really hard. I would be interested in learning your results if you are a fan of the film.



Octopunk said...

I got 14 out of 20, but I got lucky on some guesses.

Kal said...

That is 4 better than me.

Hobgoblin238 said...

I got 15 out of 20. Isn't that 75 percent? That is a passing grade!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Sadly, I've never really been a John Hughes fan. I didn't end up seeing most of his movies until I was in college and couldn't identify with them the same way I might have been able to do so if I had seen them when I was in my teens.

I've said frequently, that watching older movies helped form perspective in regards to my art and I often wonder what my outlook would be like as an adult if I saw certain films at a younger age. I'm curious as to wether I might have developed a more whimsical art style if I had watched Hayao Miyazaki's movies during high school rather than after I had finished art college. Same could be asked of the likes of directors Tarintino or the Coen Brother who were also really big at the time I was growing up, but didn't end up discovering until much later.

Big J said...

75% but yeah harder than I expected.

Kal said...

What did you even watch back in the day, Erik? Were you raised Amish.

Jordan said...

I got 10 out of 20, which I think is pretty good since nearly all my answers were guesses (or were based on my hare-brained attempts to second-guess Hughes' creative decisions based on my familiarity with his late-70s National Lampoon writing).

Cal, as a teacher you must be familiar with what they say about "guessing" on tests and how to stick with your original instinct, etc.

I am really working hard to restrain myself from writing a very snotty response to Erik's remarks comment...and succeeding.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I should clarify that I didn't dislike John Hughes movies. I think Breakfast Club was very good, but because of the age I saw it and Ferris Bueller, it just didn't stick with me quite the same way as movies I had seen years earlier.

My parents were very cautious about what they let me and my brother watch, often sticking with then current "family" titles that were just lukewarm at best. There were exceptions like Star Wars, Indiana Jones and the like but it was though growing up to pick a movie that could appeal to everyone if we wanted to rent it.

I remember during my junior year of high school, I had taken a college art course over the summer and was feeling very grown up as a result, and during a week when my parents were out of town, went down to the library and rented all the tapes I wasn't able to talk anyone else into seeing; the original King Kong, the original The Time Machine, The Princess Bride and The Purple Rose of Cairo. From there I gobbled up anything that was directed by Frank Capra, Alfred Hitchcock or had any of the Universal Studios Monsters in it. It was the birth of a Retrophile!

Kal said...

I am glad you were curious enough to be left behind the rest of us. I was lucky to see most everything that came out in those days. It wasn't like now, many smaller pictures came out and had time to gain traction. And there was no internet to tell you something was crap before you went yourself to judge.

Nomad said...

I crapped out on Bueller but got 14 on Truman show.