Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesdays From The Toybox - Cool Box Art


Hobgoblin238 said...

So want that Marx playset!

Kal said...

Marx made some of the best toys of all time.

DrGoat said...

I agree. They made a lot of the best toys ever.

Kal said...

With Great Garloo being on the top of that list.

Jordan said...

I remember that utility belt -- my friend had it. The utility belt had the crummy versions of the tricorder, phaser and communicator. You had to buy the AMC model kit to get the good versions, which didn't have any moving parts but which were heftier and more accurate (And didn't say "Star Trek" on the side of the phaser).

Kal said...

ha ha...Star Trek on the side of the phaser. Like they called it Star Trek on the ship. These utility belts always have crap on them that the hero would never need or use. At least the Star Trek one gives you the gear you would expect.