Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Favorite Costumes In Comic Books - Number 3 - Doctor Doom



For a guy who has been around for over 45 years, Doctor Doom costume has stood the test of time. Why has no one ever tried to change it? Because it's perfect the way it is. The suit of armor has been tweeked here and there but essentially he looks the same intimidating way he did when he first appeared in Fantastic Four #2. When he joined the Future Foundation recently he painted the armor white to fit into the color scheme of that group but he looked identical to the Doom we all know and love. If there is one character I love to collect it's DOOM.

I like a smug and arrogant villain who can NEVER quite pull the trigger. For all his boasting he has never closed the deal and taken over the Universe as he claims he can. I love that insecurity. There is no ennui sweeter than the ennui that is Doom. His only friends are also his greatest enemies. Beautiful.

I was just reminded that during The Secret Wars, Doom became all powerful and modified his costume, I believe, to match up with the toy line that was released in conjunction with the comic book series.

(click to enlarge)

This Secret Wars Doctor Doom is one of my grail figures. I have been searching for him for a long time.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

WHAT! Doom has earned nothing less than the Number One Position!

Whats with Doom's unmasked face? It looks like Freddy Kruger. I always dug the idea that Doom just had a tiny little scar, but that was just too much for his vanity.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's a classic look. Almost Darth Vaderish before there was a Darth Vader.

david_b said...

The 'only' change I'm aware of is the 'Secret Wars' Doom, where Shooter was advised to loose the cape and 'update Doom's look'

NOTHING beats timeless designs.

profsafety said...

Doom has always been my favorite villain. The suit is a classic, both functional and stylish.

Kal said...

I remember that look. It was the same as the toy released in conjunction with Secret Wars. Thanks for reminding me of that one.

Unknown said...

Does the secret wars doom need to be carded?