Monday, July 8, 2013

Mondays With MJ



M. D. Jackson said...

You know, you'd think with a smokin' hot girlfriend at home Peter Parker would spend less time as spider-man. But I guess that's always the way, isn't it? No matter how Smokin' hot the girlfriend always ends up trying to drag the boyfriend's attention away from video games, or football or whatever.

What's wrong with you guys?

Kal said...

You have accurately explained the woe of the simple looking man.

Unknown said...

that is what i am talking about... i would never leave the house.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'm with guys. Should anyone of us gain a smokin' hot girlfriend, we should devise a list of things that keep the couple separate, and then vow to destroy those things.

Though that look lets you know that he doesn't want to leave her.

I think MJ may actually look better in the costume. She certainly seems to find time to put it on. Maybe cosplay is foreplay in the Parker household.

I am amused by web-swinging Mary Jane though. I imagine she's bummed rides from Peter more than once.