Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New To The Collection Of Cool - Spectra Vondergeist

(click to enlarge)

I am diggin on the new Monster High Figure. She is the daughter of the Ghosts, which are generic non-specific parents. How abandoned can a girl get? This one is the Picture Day version and not the one that glows in the dark...but this one is still pretty sweet. I like the clear hands and the purple hair. Again, another solid contribution to my Monster High collection.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those boots are sumthin else!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

As one obsessive collector to another your dedication to this line is to be admired.

Now if they would only come out with a little witch then we both would be happy. she could be the teen daughter of some fairy tale witch.

Kal said...

I keep looking for you my brother. Why not a witch? It makes no sense. They have every other monster child - even Cat People.

How can you not love the quality of the line, the imagination that went into the design and how beautifully they display. I can't call them dolls, they reach the level of action figure.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

You know what I like about them?
You go to a store and look down the aisles in the "girl toys" and it is a sea of nothing but pink. Till you get to the Monster High in their unashamed black boxes. I'd buy them on principle alone just for that!

Kal said...

They chased the girl market and caught the adult girl market and the collector market by just going full retard on a solid concept. Who ever thought you would see a girl's doll what was anything but a Barbie or a Brat.

Kal said...

Oh and BRATZ have monster related dolls now and I resent that.