Monday, July 1, 2013

Worst Canada Day Ever

When Calvin discovers that the only thing he is allergic to is camel hair after riding the demon animal at the base's Canada Day celebration. Then he spends the next two days suffering from hives and having difficulty breathing. That is me in the back with the yellow shirt. Can you believe how much these photographs have deteriorated from the 1970s? Maybe that is why photos from that time are so special and rare. These days there are probably thousands of pictures of everyone just out there on the Internet and all of them are of digital quality and will look good forever.

I found a tin full of these older pics but it's almost not worth it to scan them if this is the quality of the originals. I wish I knew more about filters and how to fix up these pictures or are they all a lost cause. I am glad that most of the family pictures from that time are on slides which I still have to find a way to digitize.
Thanks to the effort of Brother Brian I now know that I can fix these pictures with the right photoshop program. Some will be worth the effort while others will be lost to the ravages of time.
I like this improved pic. I think you can see my organs shutting down as I ride that stupid allergic camel. Ships of the desert my ass. Closed wind pipes of the desert is more like it to me.
Brother Jordan just sent his improvement on my original. Holy crap it looks different and so much better. I like the way I seem to glow in the background. Must be my angel halo. Thanks to Jordan for finding it. Now we can also see the stupid camel more clearly in case authorities want to arrest him for any reason. (I hear he is a drug mule for the cartels).


M. D. Jackson said...

Yeah, because nothing is more Canadian than riding a camel!

Kal said...

Tell me about. I could have easily avoided camels for the rest of my life and never know they are deadly to me.

Unknown said...

Hey Cal, I saved a copy of your photo and used ms photo editor to take out most of the red. Is there a way I can send you the "fixed" image?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I betcha that camel came from Glenboro and the Carberry Desert!

Kal said...

Yeh, Brian,

Thanks for the effort.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh Debra, the Carberry Desert. I had forgotten all about that place. It was like running for miles and never reaching water. So much fun on a school field trip.